Why choose midwifery care?

Your Birth, Your Way

You make informed choices about how your birth will go, who will be present, who cares for you, when you eat and drink, when you want to rest and be alone, and when you want hands-on support. You are the leader of this journey and we are here to facilitate your wishes.

Continuity of Care

Throughout your pregnancy, we will get to know each other. As your care providers, we’ll discover your unique physical and emotional needs and provide the individualized care you deserve.

Comfort & Convenience

Being in your own home environment allows you to feel comfortable and relaxed during labor and birth. After the birth, we will tuck you into bed and continue to provide home visits until one week postpartum, allowing you to rest and bond with your new baby.

Evidence-Based Care

We stay up-to-date on new research developments around pregnancy, birth, the postpartum period, and breastfeeding to provide you with evidence-based information to help you make informed, empowered choices.

More Info:

An Evidence-Based Look at Why We Chose Home Birth

Inside Home Birth: What Does a Home Birth Look Like?

7 Huge Benefits of An Undisturbed First Hour After Birth

Documentary: Why Not Home? (We have copies of this film that clients can borrow if you are interested!)

Is home birth safe?

Research has shown that home birth with a trained midwife for low-risk pregnancies is just as safe as a hospital birth. Studies find that people who plan home births end up with fewer interventions, lower rates of cesarean sections and greater overall satisfaction with their birth experience.

Who can have a home birth?

Licensed Midwives in Vermont follow the home birth safety rules and regulations outlined by the Office of Professional Regulation. Breech and twin births are not considered low-risk or appropriate for home birth in Vermont. People with certain pre-existing medical conditions may not be eligible for home birth.

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)

A VBAC is considered low-risk if certain criteria are met. We will review your health history and consult with a physician to ensure home birth is safe for you. As a precaution, we will conduct extra monitoring during labor and birth to ensure you and your baby are doing well.

What happens if I need to transfer to the hospital?

Most often, transfers to the hospital during labor and birth are not emergencies. Screenings during pregnancy and monitoring during labor and birth help to reduce the risk of emergency transfers. In a non-emergent transfer, we will discuss the options and can usually go to the hospital in a private vehicle.

Common reasons for non-emergent transfers include exhaustion and need for labor augmentation medications. We will accompany you to the hospital and stay with you until the baby is born and you are settled in your postpartum recovery room.

In a true emergency, we are trained to stabilize the parent and baby for transport in an ambulance and will accompany you to the hospital. We carry life-saving supplies including medication to control bleeding, IV fluids, oxygen, and resuscitation equipment. We are current on trainings in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP).

What can I do about pain?

Because you’ll be in your own environment moving freely, you may find you’re able to cope well with the intensity of giving birth. We will assist you in managing pain using hands-on techniques (if desired) and position changes. Many people find a birth tub very effective for pain management (check out the evidence on water birth).

What does my living situation need to be?

Whatever feels like home is the right place for a home birth! We have no specific requirements of your living situation. What is most important is that you feel comfortable and safe in your environment. There are all kinds of creative and unique solutions to achieve the birth you desire, so reach out and we can discuss your personal situation.

Who can attend my home birth?

This is your birth, your way! Anyone you want at your birth is welcome. We recommend inviting those with whom you feel most comfortable, those who will provide you with positive support during this sacred time. We encourage you to hire a doula if that feels right for you. We enjoy including partners in the birth experience, and especially love those who want to catch their own baby!

Will insurance cover my home birth?

Most insurance companies cover home birth in Vermont. Please see the billing and fees section for more info.

Is home birth right for me?

Home birth is a great option for people from all walks of life. Home birth is right for you if you want to be an active participant in your pregnancy and birth, you want to have physiologic birth with minimal interventions, and you live in (or have access to) a place where you feel comfortable and relaxed.